Magical Things Happen When You Binge-Read These Jenny Han Novels

jenny han young adult fiction

When is the last time you read a good young adult contemporary fiction series? If you would have asked me this a couple of years ago I would have stared at you blankly, wondering how long it had been since I had. As someone who mostly kept up with urban fiction as a young adult, I barely paid attention to the YA genre. But as I have gotten older, my tastes in books have expanded to various genres. And every time I need to find a sweet escape within the pages of a book, I find myself immersed in YA Fiction.

5 Lipsticks Every Woman Should Own

lipsticks every woman should own

I don't know about you guys, but I spend  a lot of time finding the perfect lipstick. If I'm planning to go out for dinner with the hubby, I'm contemplating what lipstick should I wear. Girl's night out--what lipstick should I wear? Networking with some pretty dope peeps? You get the idea. While some women plan the perfect outfit, hair and or shoes for an upcoming event, I  like to plan my makeup as well. And since certain lipsticks have the power to give me an instant mood boost, I like my lipstick to be fitting for any given occasion.

In today's post I present the idea of keeping five lipsticks in rotation at all times. Yes, ladies. Five. That way you will have a nice starting line-up of lippies to wear no matter the scenario. And since we're categorizing our lipsticks according to mood, I will tell you about five lipsticks that I believe every woman should own, according to how they make you feel when you're wearing them.
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