In today's post, I will be entrusting you guys with a deep dark secret of mine: I HATE WORKING OUT. Yeah, I said it! And if you know me personally, this probably comes as no surprise to you. To keep it all the way real, I think there's a lot of people out there that don't like working out. And to be clear, it isn't the actual working out that I hate. My real issue is staying motivated to work out on a consistent basis. Sure I know that I'm a lady of a certain age and my metabolism isn't like it was at the age of 20. I can no longer eat sugary sweets and deep-fried delectables all the time without ever paying the piper by exercising. This is not healthy or ideal. And while I know this to be true like we all do, I STILL need a little force when it comes to getting off the couch and moving! Now don't sit here reading along and judge me because I know I'm not the only one, y'all. For serious.

I admitted all of that to say that I often need an incentive to get my body in motion. Sure being fit and healthy should be enough, but I need a little something more to get the blood pumping. And that's where the music comes in to play. Check out three free, easy ways I stay active with music after the jump.